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Help Our Local Restaurants!

COVID-19 has caused more than 100,000 restaurants to close, some permanently! 

Learn how you can help local Vermont restaurants below!


Food may not be the answer to world peace, but it's a start.

-Anthony Bourdain

From Line Cook to Photographer

In college, I worked as a dishwasher on the weekends for beer money and that introduced me to food. Before that I never thought about food; it was just something that I put in my stomach to keep it from growling. As I learned and got more experience cooking and preparing food, I started to connect with my food. 

This change me from heating up frozen food in the microwave to buy fresh and local ingredients and challenging myself to cook everything from scratch.  While I miss my time in the restaurant industry, it was time to move on with my career.


Although, as a photographer, I commonly find myself photographing food, restaurants, and the people that make our hearts as warm as our food. View my gallery of food photography below and learn how you can help your local Vermont restaurants today!

How to Help Your Local Restaurants

The effects of the global pandemic have hit the restaurant industry especially. The restaurant industry is already very demanding and one bad season can mean the difference between closing and not. Due to COVID-19, we saw many of our favorite restaurants close. Below you can find a few easy ways that you can help your local restaurants! 

How to Help

Buy a Gift Card!

During the holiday season, consider buying a gift card to a local restaurant! This will allows your friends and family to try a new Vermont restaurant, or return to one they love.


It also means that Vermont restaurants will receive some much needed business! 


Order Food To-Go!

Just because your favorite restaurant is not doing dine-in seating doesn't mean that they are closed!

Numerous local restaurants are offering to-go orders. While you can order them from popular services such as Uber Eats, it is sometimes best to order directly from the restaurant.

Like most restaurants say, "Don't 86 Us!" 

Utilize Localvore's

Everyone Eats Program

Localvore is based in Burlington, Vermont and they help people find restaurants, farmers, producers, and retailers who are sourcing their food locally and supporting their communities.

One can download their Localvore Passport and take advantage of their Everyone Eats program!

When you use this, Localvore pays restaurants $10 for every meal that goes to a person facing food insecurity due to COVID-19

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